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The PSEG Nuclear Salem County Math Showcase is a math competition for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in all Salem County Schools, public and private, designed to provide an immediate positive incentive for young students who excel in mathematics.

2024 Math Showcase

May 23, 2024


Salem Community College, in various areas of Davidow Hall including the DuPont Fieldhouse and Davidow auditorium. Hollywood Avenue, Carney's Point, New Jersey.


Arrival 9:30 AM to 9:50 AM
Events 10:00 AM to 1:15 PM
Awards 1:20 PM  to 1:45 PM
Dismissal 1:50 PM to 2:15 PM


Events in each grade level will occur in consecutive order.  In most cases, this will enable all students of the grade level to view all their grade level’s activities.  Not all events will occur necessarily in the sequence listed on the Registration Form.


Awards will be won including:
Certificates of Participation for all students.
Medals or trophies for in all 17 events.
Math related prizes or gift checks valued between $10 to $100, depending upon event.


Specific time slots for students to eat a lunch are listed in the schedule for the day.  Different grade levels may be eating at different times to allow for the limited eating space and flow of the competition. Lunch will NOT be provided by the Showcase.  Districts are encouraged to make arrangements for students to bring a lunch with them.  Storing the lunches in a box until distributed to students for consumption has been suggested.  Other means for storage by district choice are possible as well.  All consumption of food must take place in the Davidow Hall Lobby or outside near the front entrance. For safety, students may not eat outside near the golf course.


Student Registration:
Team member names are needed in advance of the Showcase to facilitate the printing of name badges and participation certificates.

Districts can enter only the amount of students specified on the online registration form. The district is expected to decide how their teams will be determined. The online registration form is available through direct link sent to each district. 


In the case of 15 of the 17 events, the exact number of student participants is set at 3 or 4 depending upon the event.


For the 6th and 8th grade written challenge, the amount of students allowed is determined by the size of the school and is roughly 10% of the size of the student body at that grade level. We round up to the nearest number of two-person teams. For example, a school with 86 students in the 6th grade would be allowed to send 10 students for the written test.


Schools will need to have a teacher or parent advisor for each grade level of students to ensure adequate supervision of students. The online Registration Form asks for each advisor to be identified by name.


Upon arrival at the Showcase, each school district leader will be provided with a name badge for each student identifying the student, their school, the event(s) for which (s)he is registered, and, if applicable, a control Pad number for their participation in Jeopardy and a room assignment number for the Written Challenge.


To avoid confusion and potential injuries, Salem Community College allows only 3 busses to load at a time.


At the conclusion of the awards ceremony, please remain in the field house stands. As your bus arrives in the loading zone, your school will be dismissed to your bus.


All problem creating or solving materials necessary for each event will be provided at the Showcase.


Some events prohibit the use of a calculator, while other events allow their use. If calculator use is permitted then they will be provided by the Showcase at students request. Students are encouraged to NOT bring calculators to the Showcase to avoid disqualification in events that prohibit their use.

For Jeopardy!, a timed event where the score decreases by the second, paper or pencil is optional. For some teams it would be an aid, while others may be slowed by using it. For this event, paper and pencil will be made available, however, it is up to each team to decide if they want to use it.


Event Viewing:
The Showcase staff encourages parent and family viewing of their student's participation, however, due to the limited size of the room used for 5th and 7th grade Jeopardy, viewers are not be permitted in that particular event.

Viewers are encourage to maintain silence when viewing events and to not "coach" or "shout out answers" from the viewing area. Teams may potentially face disqualification if they are aided from the viewing area.


Additionally, photography of game questions is prohibited.

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